Running Slackware 2.0.1 Under Qemu

The last version of Slackware to use the 1.0 kernel, and we're back into the a.out binary format era now.

Qemu Emulated Devices

KVM acceleration works well and the extra speed of hardware virtualisation is welcome. The emulated vga device should be cirrus, and the newest emulated network adapter that I can get to work is ne2k_isa. I'm pretty sure I used the net kernel but am not 100% sure.

Network Configuration

Slackware 2.0.1 doesn't have a DHCP client, so IP addresses should be configured manually. The defaults with user mode networking in Qemu are for the local machine, the gateway is and the nameserver is

XFree86 Configuration

The driver should be clgd5429 (it's for an earlier Cirrus Logic adapter than the emulated one, but the driver works). A copy of my Xconfig can be found here.

On The Internet

No graphical web browser, but Lynx is provided (Slackware 2.0 was the first release to even include Lynx). Of course, at this time the web was very young, and most people used other services over the internet anyway. Very early prebuilt Netscape binaries are available from, and I'm using the comtemporary 0.93 beta release.

Even telnet is very hit-and-miss, it can connect to some servers but not others. works though. :-)

Slackware 2.0.1 login screen

fvwm has a very consistent appearance :-)

Getting ready to run Netscape

And here it is, Netscape 0.93 Beta :-)

SDF's homepage displays

And a.ernest's website still appears when trying to access mine

Lynx still struggles with Slackware's site

But gopher works :-D It's generally pretty good, but some gopher sites seem to cause Lynx to crash, and unicode characters cause a garbled display that persists even after navigating away to a different site.

And of course the perennial telnet functions, albeit unable to access some servers (I suspect due to DNS problems in the OS).

There's also a bug when exiting X, no text is displayed, only the cursor. Only a reboot fixes it.

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