Running Slackware 8.0 under Qemu

The last version of Slackware to use a 2.2 kernel. As might be expected, this was the most straightforward version to set up, though that's not to say that there isn't anything that needs to be tweaked to get it working properly.

Qemu Emulated Devices

KVM acceleration works well and the extra speed of hardware virtualisation is welcome. The emulated vga device should be cirrus, and the newest emulated network adapter that I found to work is i82550.

Network Configuration

DHCP works without issue, so just configure Slackware to use DHCP when running netconfig during or after setup.

XFree86 Configuration

The driver should be cirrus, and the option "NoAccel" should be used, otherwise the display won't work properly (but will bring back visual memories of what it was like trying to configure video in the past :-)). A copy of my XF86Config can be found here.

On The Internet

Slackware 8.0 comes with Netscape Communicator 4.77 and Mozilla 0.9.1. :-) As expected, functionality is pretty much the same in both. HTTPS is out of the question, no modern websites use such old encryption standards (and for good reason). Given how many websites are now HTTPS only, that doesn't leave many to choose from, but SDF users' websites are a good resource. SDF's own homepage doesn't work properly though, the initial homepage opens but none of the links at the top work. Subdomains do work though.

SSH is in a similar boat, with none of its supported cypher suites likely to be in use anywhere on the modern internet. Telnet works, of course, for those few servers offering it, such as, though I'm not volunteering to send my password in plaintext. One cheat is to set up a port forward to a telnet server on the host, and from there you can SSH to the server of your choice, but it's not quite the same.

Login prompt in Slackware 8.0

Gnome 1.4 - I always liked the earlier versions of Gnome

SDF's homepage in Mozilla 0.9.1 :-)

And my homepage lets you put your system to current use, though it might not do much to raise your spirits!

No luck here

But telnet is timeless

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